Our Founders Story

Who is Lamar Flowers?

  • Spiritual
  • Tough-minded
  • Raised in a single-family household
  • Victim of child neglect and abuse
  • Introduced to drugs and gun violence at a young age
  • Street smart and book smart
  • Underdog
  • Outlier
  • Overachiever
  • Visionary
  • Inspiring
  • Tradesman

If I had to bullet point the various dynamics and experiences that made me the man I am today, the above wouldn’t really do justice to the story behind the man who founded G.O.A.T MN LLC. However, it does give you a glimpse into my character makeup.

My personal story…

I was born into a Christian-based family, in which my mother, grandmother, and aunt helped to guide and raise me. By the time I was 3 years old, my father was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 10 years behind bars, leaving my mother, younger brother, and I to fend for ourselves. I was born in the 80s just when the black community was ravaged by the crack cocaine epidemic. Unfortunately for me, my mother fell into a life of addiction going back as far as I can remember. Couple that with the crazy truth that I didn’t learn to read or spell until I was in the 5th grade. Mrs. Harris, A person who I will forever be indebted to, made it her personal mission to make darn sure that I did not go into the 6th grade illiterate. She is one of the many angels God placed in my life to mentor/save me.

Nonetheless, I still had to go through trials as a young person. I didn’t make good choices and some of those decisions led me to spending two years in prison. Though I didn’t know it then, I now realize that going to prison indirectly saved my life.

Nearing the end of my prison sentence, I was granted the privilege of “work release”, but instead of seeking a job, I enrolled in school at Summit Academy O.I.C., easily one of the best decisions I ever made. That started my career journey as a tradesman.

Fifteen years later, my life has undergone a complete transformation. Today, I am a devoted husband and a loving father to two amazing young black men. I am a mentor, life coach, and motivational speaker to at-risk youth. Serving my family and the community has become my sole purpose in life.

Through sheer resilience, I have excelled in the trades and I now hold the title of engineer, working for a prominent company in MN. My mission is to share the information and knowledge I obtained by making young men from similar backgrounds aware of the vast opportunities within the trades.

More importantly, The G.O.A.T. MN aims are:

To impact/save lives

It is imperative that we prioritize mentorship, education, and support in order to truly make a difference. By providing positive role models, guidance in academics and career development, as well as emotional and mental health resources, we can help young people navigate the challenges they face and reach their full potential.

Open hearts and minds

Exposing youth to new ideas, cultures, and experiences, we can help broaden their perspectives and foster empathy towards others. Encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and open-mindedness can empower young people to think for themselves and become more compassionate individuals. 

Change perspectives

Today’s youth are more connected than ever, leading to a greater awareness and activism on important social issues such as climate change, gun violence prevention, and racial justice. As professionals working with young people, it is essential to adjust our approaches to align with these evolving perspectives, empowering youth to become catalysts for positive social change in their own communities.

Break nonsensical cycles of violence

Programs that focus on building resilience and teaching life skills can equip youth with the tools they need to navigate challenging situations without resorting to violence. It is essential for communities and organizations to work collaboratively in order to create a support system that encourages positive growth and development among young people. Through these efforts, we can create a more peaceful and inclusive society for future generations.

“…By being a leader and great example within our community, just as others were for me.”

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